p20212231Europe/London24 20218 Aug 24, 2021
It’s back! The iconic International Autojumble will be returning for 2021, following its postponement last year. So join us on September 4th and 5th for the biggest outdoor sale of motoring items this side of the Atlantic. This long-awaited weekend of automotive...
p20214831Europe/London19 20215 May 19, 2021
SOUTH EAST SCRIBE NOTES As I write these notes the vaccination programme is running well and over half the adult population has already received their first Covid jab so there is at last some light at the end of the tunnel. However, we aren’t there yet and events,...
p20212131Europe/London19 20215 May 19, 2021
SOUTH EAST SCRIBE NOTES Since writing my last report we held a virtual South East Section AGM. A very full and detailed information pack was sent to all members together with a voting form to complete. Members were also given the opportunity to submit items under Any...
p20212731Europe/London19 20215 May 19, 2021
SOUTH EAST SCRIBE NOTESAs I write these notes on 27th September the Brighton Run is just 5 weeks away. By the time you are reading them the Run will either have taken place or will have been cancelled due to further Covid-19 restrictions. Fingers crossed it can go...
p20201531Europe/London21 202010 Oct 21, 2020
Dear Fellow SE Section members As disappointing as it is, I believe we have all accepted the fact that this year we are learning all about the “new normal” in our lives. Within the Veteran Car Club we are no different and as a result you will see that we are dealing...
p20200231Europe/London21 202010 Oct 21, 2020
Dear Participant, 2020 LONDON TO BRIGHTON VETERAN CAR RUN CANCELLED I am sorry to have to inform you that, despite our best efforts, we have been forced to cancel this year’s RM Sotheby’s London to Brighton Veteran Car Run. Given that the Run has taken place...